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Our Beliefs

First Baptist Church of Gatesville, TX
Our Beliefs

Purpose. This Church is formed to support public worship and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through such programs, ministries, and missions as may be determined by the Church.

Mission Statement. First Baptist Church of Gatesville is a missional, Bible-teaching fellowship, which sincerely worships Jesus Christ.

Authority. The authority of this Church is vested in its members. Each member has the right to a voice in its government, plans, and discipline. This Church is subject to the control of no ecclesiastical body but recognizes and sustains the obligation of mutual counsel and cooperation with other churches and organizations.

Doctrine. The Bible is the written trustworthy record of God’s revelation of Himself to humanity and the authority for doctrine and practice.

*  God is the ruler of all that is; Jesus Christ, whose reality and wisdom are expressed through the presence of God’s Holy Spirit, is the head of the church.

*  The experience of conversion through faith in Jesus Christ is a prerequisite for baptism and subsequent church membership.

*  We believe immersion in water answers Jesus Christ’s command to baptize and immersion symbolizes the heart of the gospel message – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

*  We believe there are two New Testament ordinances, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe both are symbolic in nature. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper symbolize not only the Christian gospel but also the Christian’s participation in the gospel’s message.